Board & Management
Loyal Lithium
Board of Directors
Corporate Leadership Team

Adam Ritchie
Managing Director

Peretz Schapiro

Andrew Graham
Non-Executive Director
Loyal Lithium Management Team

Darren Allingham
Exploration Manager
Eileen Marlowe
Land & Community Manager

Ian Pamensky
Company Secretary

Adam Ritchie
Managing Director
Mr Ritchie has over 20 years’ experience in the resources industry and has been heavily focused on project delivery in senior positions for many of Australia’s best performing companies in the mining and minerals sector including Pilbara Minerals, FMG, Rio Tinto and BHP.
Mr Ritchie is known for delivering complex projects with a particular focus on high-value mineral processing assets and is recognised for his contributions to major Australian Lithium and Iron Ore projects, delivering across all project stages.
He holds a Masters Degree in Utility Engineering, is committed to a sustainable future and harbors a long term-personal passion for technology and innovation.

Peretz Schapiro
Mr Schapiro holds a Masters degree in Applied Finance and has been a global investor for more than a decade, with a particular focus in the resources sector. He understands the fundamental parameters, strategic drivers, market requirements and what it takes for a high growth business.
In addition to being the founding chairman of Loyal Lithium, Mr Schapiro has a diverse professional background, with deep experience in resource exploration, corporate finance, management consulting, marketing and fundraising. Mr Schapiro is also Chairman of Summit Minerals (ASX:SUM), and has previously held directorships Asra Minerals Limited (ASX:ASR) and Okapi Resources (ASX:OKR).

Andrew Graham
Non-Executive Director
Mr Graham has 33 years of experience in the resources sector across both private and public corporations in senior technical and managerial roles. Mr Graham holds a Bachelor of Applied Science (Applied Geology), a Masters of Economic Geology, a Diploma of Management, a Quarry Managers Certificate and is a Member of the AusIMM and the Institute of Quarrying.
Mr Graham is currently the CEO / Executive Director of Cohiba Minerals Limited (ASX:CHK), the Chief Geologist of Mitre Mining Corporation Ltd (ASX:MMC), the Managing Director of Mineral Strategies Pty Ltd and a Director of Eco Cu Pty Ltd.
Eileen Marlowe
Land & Community Manager
Mrs Marlowe, an Akaitcho Dene woman from Yellowknife, Northwest Territories (NWT), brings with her a wealth of experience in Indigenous and public relations, and strategic communication management. With over 25 years of experience, she has held various positions within government, as well as both non-governmental and Indigenous organisations. She is actively engaged in policy initiatives that have required collaboration across Indigenous governments, organisations and industry.
She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Professional Communications (BAPC) from Royal Roads University and a Master’s degree in Communication Management (MCM) from McMaster University.

Darren Allingham
Exploration Manager
Mr Allingham has over 25 years of technical and operational management of exploration, resource and mining geology in Australia and worldwide. In his previous position as Chief Resource Geologist with NMMC JSC, Mr Allingham managed a 105-million-ounce gold resource inventory.
Mr Allingham is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists and has Bachelor of Science from the Australian National University and a Bachelor of Science (HONS) from The University of Queensland.

Ian Pamensky
Company Secretary
Mr Pamensky is a Chartered Accountant (CA ANZ), fellow of Governance Institute Australia (FGIA) and member of FinSIA. Ian has over 27 years of experience working across a wide range of industries, from audit and funds management to mining. His large and diverse set of financial, commercial and company secretarial skills has armed him with the knowledge and desire to help businesses boost their success.
Mr Pamensky has worked with a range of clients, from small family businesses to SME and ASX listed entities.